The Dudukner Ensemble, founded in 1998 by the renowned Armenian Duduk player, teacher, and inventor Georgy Minasov (Minasyan), led him to create a full family of duduks, including soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, and bass, with the goal of expanding the instrument’s traditional range and sound. These new instruments became the foundation for the creation of the Dudukner Ensemble, which paved the way for new forms of Armenian duduk polyphony and previously unheard music. The Duduk, with its rich Armenian heritage and soulful tone, is a powerful medium for storytelling, showcasing the country’s millennial history and creative path. The Dudukner Ensemble has a remarkable repertoire and has achieved significant accomplishments.
They were the first to record Komitas’ liturgy in its entirety and excerpts from MakarEkmalyan’s liturgy. Composers Ruben Altunyan and Stepan Shakaryan created pieces specifically for the ensemble, based on Komitas’ works and Armenian folklore. The ensemble’s performances were greatly loved not only in Armenia but around the world.
After the passing of Georgy Minasov in 2020, his grandson, Georgi Minasyan Jr., took over as the Artistic Director of the Dudukner Quartet. As a tribute to his grandfather’s legacy, Minasyan Jr. aims to bring back the music of Medieval Armenia, featuring multi-layered and multi-hued secular and spiritual melodies that are characteristic of Armenian culture